Will Having A Pre-Existing Condition Affect Your Auto Accident Case?

Pre-existing conditions are a broad term primarily used in the insurance industry. Some estimates indicate that as many as 54 million Americans may have injuries or illnesses that qualify as pre-existing. These conditions commonly become an issue when seeking insurance coverage, but they can also affect personal injury lawsuits. Understanding how your conditions can affect your injury claim is important since it can help you make the right decisions following your accident. [Read More]

Misconceptions About Bail Bonding Services

When a person has been arrested, a bail bonding service can be an important tool in helping them to leave jail while their legal proceedings are ongoing.  Misconception: A Bail Bond Can Be Difficult To Get If You Have Back Credit There are many individuals that will be under the impression that their ability to get a bail bond will be heavily influenced by their credit rating. This can lead to those that have poor credit failing to consider this as an option. [Read More]

Family Attorney: Mediating Custody Disputes

If you and your spouse have decided to part ways, few things are likely to be as contentious as the custody arrangements for your child or children. Working with a divorce attorney who is trained in mediating custody agreements can help you work through your custody disputes and try to keep your case out of court. Here are some steps to take when working with a divorce attorney to mediate a custody agreement:  [Read More]